This tutorial will guide you step-by-step to deploy your own token to the IC and to connect rosetta-api to it.

Deploy your Ledger

  1. Ensure you have the ledger image, the private ledger interface, and the public ledger interface. If you do not have them, follow the steps in Setup Ledger locally.

  2. Ensure you use a recent version of DFX. If you don’t have DFX installed, follow instructions on to install it.

  3. Add the following canister definition to the dfx.json file in your project:

      "canisters": {
        "custom-ledger": {
          "type": "custom",
          "wasm": "ledger.wasm",
          "candid": "ledger.private.did"
  4. Deploy the ledger canister to the IC:

    # Change the variable to "ic" to deploy the ledger on the mainnet.
    export NETWORK=local
    # Change the variable to the account that can mint and burn tokens.
    export MINT_ACC=$(dfx ledger account-id)
    # Change the variable to the principal that controls archive canisters.
    export ARCHIVE_CONTROLLER=$(dfx identity get-principal)
    export TOKEN_NAME="My Token"
    dfx deploy --network ${NETWORK} custom-ledger --argument '(record {
      name = "'${TOKEN_NAME}'";
      symbol = "'${TOKEN_SYMBOL}'";
      minting_account = "'${MINT_ACC}'";
      initial_values = vec {};
      send_whitelist = vec {};
      archive_options = opt record {
        trigger_threshold = 2000;
        num_blocks_to_archive = 1000;
        controller_id = principal "'${ARCHIVE_CONTROLLER}'";
        cycles_for_archive_creation = opt 10_000_000_000_000


    • the NETWORK is the url or name of the replica where you want to deploy the ledger (e.g. use ic for the mainnet)

    • the TOKEN_NAME is the human-readable name of your new token

    • the TOKEN_SYMBOL is the symbol of your new token

    • the MINT_ACC is the account of the Principal responsible for minting and burning tokens (see the Ledger documentation)

    • the ARCHIVE_CONTROLLER is the controller Principal of the archive canisters

    When you deploy to the mainnet:

    • Always set the archive_options field. If the archiving is disabled, the capacity of your ledger is limited to the memory of a single canister.

    • Make sure that the ledger canister has plenty of cycles. The canister will need cycles to spawn new instances of the archive canister on demand. The exact number of cycles attached to create_canister messages is controlled by the cycles_for_archive_creation option.

  5. Update the canister definition in the dfx.json file to use the public Candid interface:

       "canisters": {
         "ledger": {
           "type": "custom",
           "wasm": "ledger.wasm",
    -       "candid": "ledger.private.did"
    +       "candid": "ledger.public.did"
  6. Check that the Ledger canister is healthy. Execute the following command:

    dfx canister --network ${NETWORK} call ledger symbol

    The output should look like the following:

    (record { symbol = "XMTK" })

Your new token is deployed and ready to be used.

Connect rosetta-api

The rosetta-api is an application that connects to a Ledger canister and exposes the Rosetta API. Its main purpose is to facilitate integration with exchanges. The application is available as a docker image.

Let us now connect the rosetta-api to an existing Ledger canister.

  1. Get the Ledger token symbol

    dfx canister call <ledger_canister_id> symbol

    The output should look like the following:

    (record { symbol = <token_symbol> })
  2. Run rosetta-api

    docker run \
        --interactive \
        --tty \
        --publish 8081:8080 \
        --rm \
        dfinity/rosetta-api:v1.3.0 \
        --canister-id <ledger_canister_id> \
        --ic-url <replica> \
        -t <token_symbol>

    The output should contain the following lines:

    16:31:45.472550 INFO [main] ic_rosetta_api::rosetta_server - Starting Rosetta API server
    16:31:45.506905 INFO [main] ic_rosetta_api::ledger_client - You are all caught up to block <x>

    The <x> above stands for the last block index in the ledger blockchain.

rosetta-api is connected to your Ledger instance and ready to be used. Read Transfers tokens article to learn about Rosetta token transfer operations.