
Purely-functional, singly-linked lists.


type List<T> = ?(T, List<T>)


func nil<T>() : List<T>

Create an empty list.


func isNil<T>(l : List<T>) : Bool

Check whether a list is empty and return true if the list is empty.


func push<T>(x : T, l : List<T>) : List<T>

Construct a list by pre-pending a value. This function is similar to a list.cons(item) function.


func last<T>(l : List<T>) : ?T

Return the last element of the list, if present.


func pop<T>(l : List<T>) : (?T, List<T>)

Treat the list as a stack. This function combines the head and (non-failing) tail operations into one operation.


func size<T>(l : List<T>) : Nat

Return the length of the list.


func get<T>(l : List<T>, n : Nat) : ?T

Access any item in a list, zero-based.

Indexing into a list is a linear operation, and usually an indication that a list might not be the best data structure to use.


func reverse<T>(l : List<T>) : List<T>

Reverses the list


func iterate<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> ())

Call the given function with each list element in turn.

This function is equivalent to the app function in Standard ML Basis, and the iter function in OCaml.


func map<T, S>(l : List<T>, f : T -> S) : List<S>

Call the given function on each list element and collect the results in a new list.


func filter<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> Bool) : List<T>

Create a new list with only those elements of the original list for which the given function (often called the predicate) returns true.


func partition<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> Bool) : (List<T>, List<T>)

Create two new lists from the results of a given function (f). The first list only includes the elements for which the given function f returns true and the second list only includes the elements for which the function returns false.


func mapFilter<T, S>(l : List<T>, f : T -> ?S) : List<S>

Call the given function on each list element, and collect the non-null results in a new list.


func mapResult<A, R, E>(xs : List<A>, f : A -> Result.Result<R, E>) : Result.Result<List<R>, E>

Maps a Result-returning function over a List and returns either the first error or a list of successful values.


func append<T>(l : List<T>, m : List<T>) : List<T>

Append the elements from one list to another list.


func flatten<T>(l : List<List<T>>) : List<T>

Concatenate a list of lists.

In some languages, this operation is also known as a list join.


func take<T>(l : List<T>, n : Nat) : List<T>

Returns the first n elements of the given list. If the given list has fewer than n elements, this function returns a copy of the full input list.


func drop<T>(l : List<T>, n : Nat) : List<T>

Drop the first n elements from the given list.


func foldLeft<T, S>(l : List<T>, a : S, f : (S, T) -> S) : S

Fold the list left-to-right using the given function (f).


func foldRight<T, S>(l : List<T>, a : S, f : (T, S) -> S) : S

Fold the list right-to-left using the given function (f).


func find<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> Bool) : ?T

Return the first element for which the given predicate f is true, if such an element exists.


func some<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> Bool) : Bool

Return true if there exists a list element for which the given predicate f is true.


func all<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> Bool) : Bool

Return true if the given predicate f is true for all list elements.


func merge<T>(l1 : List<T>, l2 : List<T>, lte : (T, T) -> Bool) : List<T>

Merge two ordered lists into a single ordered list. This function requires both list to be ordered as specified by the given relation lte.


func compare<T>(l1 : List<T>, l2 : List<T>, compElm : (T, T) -> Order.Order) : Order.Order

Compare two lists using lexicographic ordering specified by the given relation lte.


func equal<T>(l1 : List<T>, l2 : List<T>, eq : (T, T) -> Bool) : Bool

Compare two lists for equality as specified by the given relation eq on the elements.

The function isEq(l1, l2) is equivalent to lessThanEq(l1, l2) && lessThanEq(l2, l1), but the former is more efficient.


func tabulate<T>(n : Nat, f : Nat -> T) : List<T>

Generate a list based on a length and a function that maps from a list index to a list element.


func make<X>(x : X) : List<X>

Create a list with exactly one element.


func replicate<X>(n : Nat, x : X) : List<X>

Create a list of the given length with the same value in each position.


func zip<X, Y>(xs : List<X>, ys : List<Y>) : List<(X, Y)>

Create a list of pairs from a pair of lists.

If the given lists have different lengths, then the created list will have a length equal to the length of the smaller list.


func zipWith<X, Y, Z>(xs : List<X>, ys : List<Y>, f : (X, Y) -> Z) : List<Z>

Create a list in which elements are calculated from the function f and include elements occuring at the same position in the given lists.

If the given lists have different lengths, then the created list will have a length equal to the length of the smaller list.


func split<X>(n : Nat, xs : List<X>) : (List<X>, List<X>)

Split the given list at the given zero-based index.


func chunks<X>(n : Nat, xs : List<X>) : List<List<X>>

Split the given list into chunks of length n. The last chunk will be shorter if the length of the given list does not divide by n evenly.


func fromArray<A>(xs : [A]) : List<A>

Convert an array into a list.


func fromVarArray<A>(xs : [var A]) : List<A>

Convert a mutable array into a list.


func toArray<A>(xs : List<A>) : [A]

Create an array from a list.


func toVarArray<A>(xs : List<A>) : [var A]

Create a mutable array from a list.