
Generic, extensible buffers

Generic, mutable sequences that grow to accommodate arbitrary numbers of elements.

Class Buffer<X> provides extensible, mutable sequences of elements of type X. that can be efficiently produced and consumed with imperative code. A buffer object can be extended by a single element or the contents of another buffer object.

When required, the current state of a buffer object can be converted to a fixed-size array of its elements.

Buffers complement Motoko’s non-extensible array types (arrays do not support efficient extension, because the size of an array is determined at construction and cannot be changed).


class Buffer<X>(initCapacity : Nat)

Create a stateful buffer class encapsulating a mutable array.

The argument initCapacity determines its initial capacity. The underlying mutable array grows by doubling when its current capacity is exceeded.


func add(elem : X)

Adds a single element to the buffer.


func removeLast() : ?X

Removes the item that was inserted last and returns it or null if no elements had been added to the Buffer.


func append(b : Buffer<X>)

Adds all elements in buffer b to this buffer.


func size() : Nat

Returns the current number of elements.


func clear()

Resets the buffer.


func clone() : Buffer<X>

Returns a copy of this buffer.


func vals() : { next : () -> ?X }

Returns an Iter over the elements of this buffer.


func toArray() : [X]

Creates a new array containing this buffer’s elements.


func toVarArray() : [var X]

Creates a mutable array containing this buffer’s elements.


func get(i : Nat) : X

Gets the i-th element of this buffer. Traps if i >= count. Indexing is zero-based.


func getOpt(i : Nat) : ?X

Gets the i-th element of the buffer as an option. Returns null when i >= count. Indexing is zero-based.


func put(i : Nat, elem : X)

Overwrites the current value of the i-entry of this buffer with elem. Traps if the index is out of bounds. Indexing is zero-based.