
Key-value hash maps.

An imperative hash map, with a general key and value type.

  • The class TrieMap exposes the same interface as HashMap.

  • Unlike HashMap, the internal representation uses a functional representation (via Trie module).

  • This class does not permit a direct clone operation (neither does HashMap), but it does permit creating iterators via iter(). Each iterator costs O(1) to create, but represents a fixed view of the mapping that does not interfere with mutations (it will not reflect subsequent insertions or mutations, if any).


class TrieMap<K, V>(isEq : (K, K) -> Bool, hashOf : K -> Hash.Hash)


func size() : Nat

Returns the number of entries in the map.


func put(k : K, v : V)

Associate a key and value, overwriting any prior association for the key.


func replace(k : K, v : V) : ?V

Put the key and value, and return the (optional) prior value for the key.


func get(k : K) : ?V

Get the (optional) value associated with the given key.


func delete(k : K)

Delete the (optional) value associated with the given key.


func remove(k : K) : ?V

Delete and return the (optional) value associated with the given key.


func keys() : I.Iter<K>

An Iter over the keys.

Each iterator gets a persistent view of the mapping, independent of concurrent updates to the iterated map.


func vals() : I.Iter<V>

An Iter over the values.

Each iterator gets a persistent view of the mapping, independent of concurrent updates to the iterated map.


func entries() : I.Iter<(K, V)>

Returns an Iter over the entries.

Each iterator gets a persistent view of the mapping, independent of concurrent updates to the iterated map.


func clone<K, V>(h : TrieMap<K, V>, keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool, keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash) : TrieMap<K, V>

Clone the map, given its key operations.


func fromEntries<K, V>(entries : I.Iter<(K, V)>, keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool, keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash) : TrieMap<K, V>

Clone an iterator of key-value pairs.


func map<K, V1, V2>(h : TrieMap<K, V1>, keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool, keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash, mapFn : (K, V1) -> V2) : TrieMap<K, V2>

Transform (map) the values of a map, retaining its keys.


func mapFilter<K, V1, V2>(h : TrieMap<K, V1>, keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool, keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash, mapFn : (K, V1) -> ?V2) : TrieMap<K, V2>

Transform and filter the values of a map, retaining its keys.