Error handling with the Result type.
type Result<Ok, Err> = {#ok : Ok; #err : Err}
Result<Ok, Err>
is the type used for returning and propagating errors. It
is a type with the variants, #ok(Ok)
, representing success and containing
a value, and #err(Err)
, representing error and containing an error value.
The simplest way of working with `Result`s is to pattern match on them:
For example, given a function createUser(user : User) : Result<Id, String>
where String
is an error message we could use it like so:
switch(createUser(myUser)) {
case #ok(id) Debug.print("Created new user with id: " # id)
case #err(msg) Debug.print("Failed to create user with the error: " # msg)
func compare<Ok, Err>(compareOk : (Ok, Ok) -> Order.Order, compareErr : (Err, Err) -> Order.Order, r1 : Result<Ok, Err>, r2 : Result<Ok, Err>) : Order.Order
Allows sequencing of Result
values and functions that return
`Result’s themselves.
import Result "mo:base/Result";
type Result<T,E> = Result.Result<T, E>;
func largerThan10(x : Nat) : Result<Nat, Text> =
if (x > 10) { #ok(x) } else { #err("Not larger than 10.") };
func smallerThan20(x : Nat) : Result<Nat, Text> =
if (x < 20) { #ok(x) } else { #err("Not smaller than 20.") };
func between10And20(x : Nat) : Result<Nat, Text> =
Result.chain(largerThan10(x), smallerThan20);
assert(between10And20(15) == #ok(15));
assert(between10And20(9) == #err("Not larger than 10."));
assert(between10And20(21) == #err("Not smaller than 20."));
Flattens a nested Result.
import Result "mo:base/Result";
assert(Result.flatten<Nat, Text>(#ok(#ok(10))) == #ok(10));
assert(Result.flatten<Nat, Text>(#err("Wrong")) == #err("Wrong"));
assert(Result.flatten<Nat, Text>(#ok(#err("Wrong"))) == #err("Wrong"));
func fromOption<R, E>(x : ?R, err : E) : Result<R, E>
Create a result from an option, including an error value to handle the null
import Result "mo:base/Result";
assert(Result.fromOption(?42, "err") == #ok(42));
assert(Result.fromOption(null, "err") == #err("err"));
func toOption<R, E>(r : Result<R, E>) : ?R
Create an option from a result, turning all #err into null
import Result "mo:base/Result";
assert(Result.toOption(#ok(42)) == ?42);
assert(Result.toOption(#err("err")) == null);
func iterate<Ok, Err>(res : Result<Ok, Err>, f : Ok -> ())
Applies a function to a successful value, but discards the result. Use
if you’re only interested in the side effect f
import Result "mo:base/Result";
var counter : Nat = 0;
Result.iterate<Nat, Text>(#ok(5), func (x : Nat) { counter += x });
assert(counter == 5);
Result.iterate<Nat, Text>(#err("Wrong"), func (x : Nat) { counter += x });
assert(counter == 5);
func isOk(r : Result<Any, Any>) : Bool
func isErr(r : Result<Any, Any>) : Bool
func assertOk(r : Result<Any, Any>)
Asserts that its argument is an #ok
result, traps otherwise.
func assertErr(r : Result<Any, Any>)
Asserts that its argument is an #err
result, traps otherwise.