
Mutable hash map (aka Hashtable)

This module defines an imperative hash map (hash table), with a general key and value type.

It has a minimal object-oriented interface: get, set, delete, count and entries.

The class is parameterized by the key’s equality and hash functions, and an initial capacity. However, as with the Buffer class, no array allocation happens until the first set.

Internally, table growth policy is very simple, for now: Double the current capacity when the expected bucket list size grows beyond a certain constant.


class HashMap<K, V>(initCapacity : Nat, keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool, keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash)

An imperative HashMap with a minimal object-oriented interface. Maps keys of type K to values of type V.


func size() : Nat

Returns the number of entries in this HashMap.


func delete(k : K)

Deletes the entry with the key k. Doesn’t do anything if the key doesn’t exist.


func remove(k : K) : ?V

Removes the entry with the key k and returns the associated value if it existed or null otherwise.


func get(k : K) : ?V

Gets the entry with the key k and returns its associated value if it existed or null otherwise.


func put(k : K, v : V)

Insert the value v at key k. Overwrites an existing entry with key k


func replace(k : K, v : V) : ?V

Insert the value v at key k and returns the previous value stored at k or null if it didn’t exist.


func keys() : Iter.Iter<K>

An Iter over the keys.


func vals() : Iter.Iter<V>

An Iter over the values.


func entries() : Iter.Iter<(K, V)>

Returns an iterator over the key value pairs in this HashMap. Does not modify the HashMap.


func clone<K, V>(h : HashMap<K, V>, keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool, keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash) : HashMap<K, V>

clone cannot be an efficient object method, …​but is still useful in tests, and beyond.


func fromIter<K, V>(iter : Iter.Iter<(K, V)>, initCapacity : Nat, keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool, keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash) : HashMap<K, V>

Clone from any iterator of key-value pairs


func map<K, V1, V2>(h : HashMap<K, V1>, keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool, keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash, mapFn : (K, V1) -> V2) : HashMap<K, V2>


func mapFilter<K, V1, V2>(h : HashMap<K, V1>, keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool, keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash, mapFn : (K, V1) -> ?V2) : HashMap<K, V2>